Blind Mass Hair Transplant?

Highly efficient transplantation with optimized placement

On average, we say there are about 100,000 hairs on a human head. In Asians, it's slightly less than that, so we're talking about 70,000 -80,000, and when you do a hair transplant, it's usually 2,000-3,000 hairs.
Even if it's a mass transplant, it's more like 5,000-7,000, so your’re talking about moving 10% of the total amount of hair to achieve the effect.

We optimize the placement of the hairs so that you don't just get a lot of hair transplanted, but you get the right amount of hair transplanted without any waste.

The Role of the Specialist in Efficient Mass Hair Transplant

While hair may seem like an inexhaustible resource, after all, hair is a finite resource with a finite number of transplants. This is why it's important for doctors to be able to design hair to look like more with less.
  • 1Identify the areas with the most hair loss and focus transplants on the areas of concern.
  • 2Communicate with patients about why they want to have hair transplant surgery and what they are uncomfortable with so that we can efficiently place thin and thick hair.
  • 3Considering everything from a comprehensive standpoint, we determine the most efficient transplant hair count and optimize the placement of the hair.


We consistently produce good results

  • 2000모낭 15개월





  • 2500모낭 6개월





  • 2000모낭 12개월





  • 2000모낭 8개월





If there's even a 1% chance of doing something better,
we pursue it, no matter how much effort and cost is required.

  • 슬림을 이용한 스너그 핏
    Engraftment is higher when the maximum number of hair follicles are transplanted into the minimum number of pores.
  • 전과정 고배율 현미경 사용
    Use a high-magnification microscope throughout the process
    Using a high-magnification microscope can increase the number of healthy follicles by 25% over visual isolation.
  • 수중분리 아쿠아 커팅
    Underwater isolation aqua cutting
    Hair follicles are damaged after only 60 seconds of exposure to air. Underwater isolation minimizes damage to the hair follicle compared to airborne isolation.
  • 저온수분 유지 장치
    Cold moisture retention device
    Keep collected follicles at 4 degrees until just before transplant to minimize heat damage to the follicles
  • 장기저장액
    Organ preservation solution
    The same organ preservation solution used in liver and heart transplant surgeries is used to keep hair follicles healthy until transplant
  • 고압산소치료 이식 후 효과적인 관리
    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for effective care after transplant
    Maintain healthy hair follicles for 12 months with 3 days of effective post-transplant care

Check out the effect with the video