Non-incisional Hairline Correction

A method of collecting and transplanting the root part of each hair follicle by follicle using a small cylindrical micro-drill that holds 1-2 hairs


Transplant site design


Design and disinfect the collection site


Collection site anesthesia


Non-Incisional follicle collection


Aqua cutting and microscopic follicle separation


Partial anesthesia at the transplant site


Creating transplant pores with slits


Follicle transplant


Developing an enhanced non-incisional method

Minimize non-incisional scarring using an enhanced non-incisional punch

Smaller punches can damage collected follicular cells, and larger punches can leave more scarring than necessary.
By using a punch size optimized for your scalp, it minimizes scarring and enables collecting the right amount of follicular tissue.

Engraftment rate↓

Engraftment rate↑

Why does the perifollicular tissue need to be thick?

The less tissue around the follicle, the more susceptible it is to external influences.
This is because there is less cushioning. Less tissue around the follicle makes it more vulnerable to external shock and increases dryness, which is one of the biggest causes of poor engraftment rates.

A non-shaving, non-incisional method that is invisible the day after surgery

Typically, a non-incisional hairline correction involves a full or partial haircut to facilitate the collection of hair follicles.
A non-shaving, non-incisional hairline correction is a hair transplant that does not require a haircut before the procedure and is performed with partial or no shaving.
It is the most invisible method of hairline correction because it uses the large area of the occipital region evenly, causing the least damage to the collection area. And there is no difference in density between the collection and non-collection areas

Non-incisional method

Before pre-cutting

After pre-cutting

The day after surgery (after shampooing)

If there's even a 1% chance of doing something better,
we pursue it, no matter how much effort and cost is required.

  • 슬림을 이용한 스너그 핏
    Engraftment is higher when the maximum number of hair follicles are transplanted into the minimum number of pores.
  • 전과정 고배율 현미경 사용
    Use a high-magnification microscope throughout the process
    Using a high-magnification microscope can increase the number of healthy follicles by 25% over visual isolation.
  • 수중분리 아쿠아 커팅
    Underwater isolation aqua cutting
    Hair follicles are damaged after only 60 seconds of exposure to air. Underwater isolation minimizes damage to the hair follicle compared to airborne isolation.
  • 저온수분 유지 장치
    Cold moisture retention device
    Keep collected follicles at 4 degrees until just before transplant to minimize heat damage to the follicles
  • 장기저장액
    Organ preservation solution
    The same organ preservation solution used in liver and heart transplant surgeries is used to keep hair follicles healthy until transplant
  • 고압산소치료 이식 후 효과적인 관리
    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for effective care after transplant
    Maintain healthy hair follicles for 12 months with 3 days of effective post-transplant care

Check out the effect with the video